Data plates are critical in a load of industries. Having crucial information displayed is a must in industries like food service, engineering, manufacturing, and more. The information varies based on jobs, machines, and regulatory standards like OSHA’s.

However, not all data plates are created equal. Since they’re used in many different trades and for tons of different purposes, they need to contain the information you need. Here are all the things that can go on a data plate:

Your company’s name

Typically, a data plate contains your company’s name, and/or its logo. Not only is this part of branding, but it also lets users, customers, vendors, and anyone else interacting with the machine know how it belongs to. Even if your data plate isn’t for a machine, vehicle, or something mobile, having your name and logo on your stuff is still part of solid brand strategy.

Identification numbers

Serial numbers, make and model numbers, and part numbers all fall into this category. These are used on aircraft carriers, industrial machinery, kitchen appliances, freezers, and more. This allows people to quickly identify which piece of equipment they’re working with so it can be properly logged. This is especially critical if you need to log maintenance on the equipment.

Minimums and maximums

Including load capacities, maximum temperature, and maximum pressure. This information on your data plate lets an operator, inspector, or anyone in the know when a safe operating limit is about to be reached so they can rein it in. These maximums are based on safe operating and regulating standards.

Variable data

Most of the above information will be etched on your data plate. Since it doesn’t change, it should be etched on – and stay on for a long time. However, there could be blank spaces for variable data. This could include QR codes, barcodes, last inspection dates, and any temporary information you may need. Although this data is usually stuck on with a digitally-printed sticker or stamp, your data plate can have a space etched on it so this information can easily be placed and switched out.

With all of the above, there’s a lot to consider when building the right data plate for you and your needs. Needless to say: all you need to include is what you need, whether that’s a little or a lot. We’re here to create custom data plates to fit your industry and convey the information you need anyone reading it to know.

Want details about what we can do for you? Contact us today to get started!