data plates for elevatorsElevators play a major role in today’s society. With multi-level buildings becoming more and more commonplace, there is a great need for elevators. Not only does it accommodate wheelchairs and other medical equipment, it simply makes moving people and goods from one floor to the next much easier. However, safety is even more important than convenience and regular inspections are absolutely necessary. One way to demonstrate that your elevators are up to code is with the required Code Data Plate.

What is a Code Data Plate?

Code data plates for elevators outline all the necessary information for those inspecting and testing the elevator.  Any alterations made to the elevator would also be noted here. This shows that the elevator is meeting a specific set of safety standards. You will find information such as weight capacity, maximum occupancy, permit dates, instructions for handling an emergency, and other pertinent information. Code Data Plates are often made with aluminum or stainless-steel material.

Adding a Data Plate in Your Elevator

It is important that you work with a knowledgeable manufacturer to produce the most effective Code Data Plate for your elevator. Detroit Name Plate Etching offers a variety of process and materials to meet your needs. We will make sure you have exactly what you need to show that your elevator is up to code.

We will also work with you to make sure that we are displaying accurate information for inspectors and those using your elevator. You can trust that our code data plates will meet The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) safety code for elevators.

Here at Detroit Name Plate Etching, we value safety and we have the ability to develop Elevator Code Data Plates that are most appropriate for you. Contact us today to discuss your data plate needs and to receive a free quote.